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Home Watch Academy
I am updating my presentation materials and asked some of clients for references via email. Within a couple hours I had several. These are the people that have been with me since the beginning or before. I say “before” because I was the Director of Property Services at a rental company several years ago. When that business ceased to exist I entered the wonderful world of home watch.
Here are a few of their comments:
“Just have them call and I will tell them how lucky they are to have you, as I am – thank you for everything.”
“I gave you name and # to our insurance agent. They wanted to know who was looking after the place when we aren’t there. I hope that was OK. I can’t tell you how happy we are that we found you and your service. It sure does take a lot of the worry away when you are an absentee owner. Thank you again.”
“I can’t tell you how much we appreciate the extra attention you give us! We could not have our place, in Naples, if it weren’t for you.”
“It is so comforting to have you there!”
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