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Home Watch Academy
In a single community Seasonal Residents are arriving to find that their homes have not been looked after in quite some time. The toilets are dry and dirty. Cars won’t start. Some air conditioners are not working. Some even have pest intrusion, water damage or mold. It turns out that the home watch provider (for more than 50 residents) closed her home watch business.
She did not notify anyone.
Now, some residents are asking for their keys back which she will not return until the invoice is paid up to date. Incidentally, the residents say they were not invoiced.
This is wrong on way too many levels.
Shame on the person who is holding keys to the homes of people who trusted her. She has no sense of responsibility much less a conscience or any business ethics.
Shame on the Seasonal Resident. You have been away from your Naples home for over 6 months. You have not received an invoice, phone call or email from the person you entrusted with your keys. As the home owner you should demand accountability.
A true Home Watch Professional will communicate with you after each, and every, visit. The relationship is built on trust. We exist to be the difference between damage and disaster.
Anyone, who has had this experience, needs to change their locks – NOW!
Then call Your Home Watch Professionals to engage with a Home Watch Affiliate who is TRAINED – TESTED – TRUSTED.
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