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Home Watch Academy
Home Watch is a vital service for all seasonal residents. This fact is indisputable. Professional home watch providers take the business of watching over vacant homes very seriously. It is a profession – not a hobby or a favor.
Home Watch is not a regulated industry. Anyone can jump onto The Home Watch Bandwagon. Some businesses add Home Watch to their list of services with good intentions or because they think it is easy. There are well-intended individuals and “Neighbors Doing Favors” who may not know what to look for and are certainly not insured. There are also some downright scoundrels who may, personally, use the home or even rent it out for their own profit.
What are their qualifications and training? Who is actually making the visit? What is their experience? Do they have resources to handle a damaging situation? Are they properly insured? What is their “Plan B” if they cannot make a visit due to their own emergency?
How do they document visits? Many professionals use a Home Watch Management and Reporting Software that is GPS enabled; proof that a visit has been made.
Each year, countless numbers of seasonal residents return to disasters because they have hired an unqualified, non-credentialed, provider.
Here are some obvious signs that they are not true professionals:
Your Home Watch Professionals is fully dedicated to the responsible growth of the Home Watch Industry:
If you hire someone, not properly trained or credentialed, it is at your own risk.
Caveat Emptor: “Let the buyer beware”
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